Hello, friends and customers.

We’d like to invite you for a bit of Christmas fun.  Join us for mince pies, mulled wine and to see who will be the lucky winner of our Christmas raffle.  We’ll see you Wednesday, December 23rd from 3 to 6pm.

The shop hours during the holidays will be:

Thursday, December 24th CLOSED

Monday, December  28th 9am to 5pm

Tuesday, December 29th 9am to 5pm

Wednesday, December 30th 9am to 5pm

Thursday, December 31st 9am to 1pm

Friday, January 1st through Wednesday, January 6th CLOSED

Thursday, January 7th REOPENING WITH REGULAR HOURS 8:30am to 6:30pm


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Lindsay ha valutato il suo ordine :
acquisto verificato: novembre 2023
Giovanna ha valutato il suo ordine :
acquisto verificato: novembre 2023
francesco ha valutato il suo ordine :
acquisto verificato: novembre 2023
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